The Functional First Responder
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Doing the job you do isn’t easy, people depend on you to be physically at your peak.
Key features:
- 5 Days per week
- 12 Weeks
- Single payment = 6 months FREE access
- Designed by qualified coaches and Tactical Police
- Structured progressive overload
- Stay operational, reduce injury
- Delivered through TrueCoach
This 12 week training program is designed to provide you with the fitness to be better at your job. To move better, recover faster and come home at the end of every shift. Because your safety is number one.
This program is structured over a 7 day work week consisting of 5 sessions a week which can be achieved within an hour. It covers functional movements, conditioning, stretching and boxing.
The program is delivered via our TrueCoach app where you will have weekly access to a specialised, professional, and qualified coach who is cut from the same cloth as you, and therefore understands the life you lead.
After subscribing you will receive an email to set up your profile. This can take up to 24hrs - it’s worth it.
It’s time for you to take control of your own personal fitness so you can be accountable in your role.

It’s such a great program. It almost breaks you down and builds you up to be even stronger and fitter than when you started. Can’t recommend it enough

Loved this program and would definitely recommend it. It was just what I needed to find my mojo again. Just finished week 11 and definitely stronger in all my lifts and absolutely fitter.

About to start week 7 and love the program. It does exactly what it said it would doThe variety and that the workouts don't take too much time out of the day make it so enjoyable. Absolutely feeling stronger and fitter!

Currently partaking in the Function First Responder program. Absolutely love it. 7 weeks into the 12 week program and I am feeling and looking fitter and stronger. I find it holds me accountable and I now enjoy going to the gym each day. Give it a go - you won't be disappointed! Love what IF is all about and I am already trying to figure out which program is next!

This is an epic program that you will see results if you put the hard yards in. In 12 weeks i lost 5% body fat and knocked 3 mins of my 5km run time.